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Yorkshire and Humber Institute of Technology (2023)

Delighted for our Journal of Technology and Science Education (JOTSE) publication has been featured as a main contributor towards the Yorkshire and Humber Institute of Technology. Helping to disseminate practices around immersive technologies for primary education.


Objectives: In this paper, we present a study exploring teachers’ opinions on using Augmented Reality to support primary science education, specifically focussing on i) identifying where challenges and opportunities occur for integrating augmented reality into primary science; and ii) understanding user needs to create a more meaningful AR learning experience. 


Approach: Our aim was to gain a holistic insight into how AR experiences should be best integrated into contexts of primary school science teaching. Therefore, we chose to employ a Service Design approach for our investigation. Service design adopts a designer’s approach towards tackling a problem where it initially investigates the need of an end user, transitioning onto rapidly experimenting and prototyping. When we are challenged to provide better services and end -to end customer experiences, ‘service design’ uses a pragmatic iterative approach towards developing whole new propositions particularly based on new technologies. 


Results: Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected during the research process. Qualitative data included responses from the questionnaire, collecting lesson plans, keynotes from observations, transcripts from contextual interviews, and recordings from focus groups. Qualitative data analysis computer software (NVivo) produced emerging patterns to steer the direction of the study. 


Conclusion: When reflecting upon the studies of Akcayir, et al (2017); Wang, et al (2017); Radu (2014); Yuen, et al (2011), we see they suggest educators and designers need to collaborate in terms of creating sound pedagogy to develop AR applications that are ‘meaningful’ and ‘maximise on learning outcomes. By looking at AR through the lens of a service we have highlighted where opportunities occur and equally where barriers prevent AR adoption. 

To view the paper see below.

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